Sunday, November 11, 2007

People (including me) like to complain that our young 'uns spend too much time on meaningless computer activity, and wax poetic about what people do without computers and television. Stuff like this:

Not to say this isn't bitchin', but I'll take BioShock, thank you very much.

Although I really like the hat.


ronocdh said...

This is probably the greatest blog post in the history of the world. And while that might not mean much to you, I find it awesome.

For the record, I really wish I'd read this before posting my newest.

Anne said...

I'm thinking of editing it to have it read "Stuff like this: [photo]

So shut up."

What do you think?

ronocdh said...

WAY funnier with the BioShock comment, man. Do not edit!! You perfectionist you. ;)